Site Stuff

Why Aerith?
I love that Aerith is so unabashedly goofy. Even when she is being cringe she just don’t gaf what anyone thinks. And the tragic element of her story line intertwined with Zack’s is just too good.

Links out
ad Perpetuam Memoriam - Zack Fair
Yours Truly - Zack Fair
Fair Verona - ZackxAerith
All Creation - Yuffie Kisaragi
Libertine - Reno
Beyond the Sky - Cid Highwind
Alis Grave Nil - Angeal Hawley
Within Reach - CloudxTifa
Meteorfall.org - FFVII

Rebelling Princess - Rinoa Heartilly
Drafted - Laguna Loire
Divide - Squall Leonhart
Burn & Rave - Zell Dincht

Rings & Memberships

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Zack Aerith